Sunday, May 1, 2016

Avoid Bad Feelings

In the process of running life, we meet different people, situation and circumstances. Sometimes we feel good about what we have met and sometimes bad. If you feel good that’s benevolent, that won’t harm you. But if you feel bad you really have to work on that, because that will harm you inside as well as outside; in performance and outcome. If you think everything clearly, nothing can cause you feel bad. Just think about that bad feelings are separated from you. Don’t give your own perception to feel bad about that. How may they have thought about my clumsy behavior? How can I handle the uncertainties? Etc are the shits that can run over your brain. Just get rid of those things, by writing down all of these bad feelings and terminating forever.

When negativity try to enter your brain it’s very weak at the beginning, so you have to take action to reduce it, as earlier as possible. If you are going with the same types of feelings (bad feelings), you will be dragged so hardly that you can’t get back and can cause depression too. So don’t give a shit what other will think or what will happen next just prepare yourself to give your best in every situation whether it is best or worst. In worst situation you may have to work harder than better situations but that doesn’t mean you have to feel bad, which create hindrances inside your.

In the conclusion, we can determine that personality development is not possible with the low self esteem. Because, you have to develop yourself from inside to outside for better performance. And feeling of low self esteem is originated from the bad feelings. So if you don’t find solution to your automation feelings of bad, you will gradually lose your self confidence. Hence you cannot develop your personality.

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