Monday, May 2, 2016

Be Realistic

How do you consider if a glass is placed with half glass of water. Would you call half empty or half complete? This is one of the best example testing the negativity and positivity of individual to make them understand. Whether you think the glass is half complete being positive or you thing half vacant being negative, that glass is glass with the half water and half empty, it doesn’t matter to that glass how you perceive. But it may matter to your inner self. Positivity has the power to get everything better than negativity does. That’s why many self help books and self help coaches say that stay positive.

Yes, positivity has power to connect. But it’s power may be useless for the real effort where being realist is important. You just sleep all the day and night and don’t do anything to contribute towards your goal of the future and be positive that someday you are going to get what you really wanting for…hell… think about it how it will take you to the place even if you are not in the right track. Some of the people has gotten the desirable things and called it luck, may not be the same for you don’t hear about them. Don’t give a damn about luck and be in the right track to go where you want to go.
In the journey of success, various difficulties and obstacles may appear. If you just be positive and go beyond the realistic thought, you may think one day your obstacles will be disappear. There is no guarantee, that you obstacle will fly away because you just pray or be positive. But if you be realist and be positive that you have strength to overcome such obstacles and reach your goal. Then you may view those obstacles as the different object and you can seek for various alternatives and resources to overcome such difficulties.

So in the conclusion, we can say that not only being positive but being realistic and positively finding alternatives available to get rid of hindrances. 

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