Sunday, May 1, 2016

Force against Limits

Human life, it’s only possible here in earth. Earth has gravity force to attract mass of object towards. But not only that, lets now view it from different perspective.

You are in the gravity world; every time you want to fly it will drag you down. Not only for you but for your desire, goal and ambition gravity will hold you back. You have to push yourself as hard as you can to get rid of these dragging things. You have to utilize the available resources properly to go where you really wanted to go. Like rocket is created to go beyond the gravity force. Like that, you have to create rocket inside you to throw yourself and break the chain of the dragging stuffs. And the rocket inside you is the real power of you, that you are hiding it’s true potential. You love to sleep rather than to start that rocket, you love to be lazy than to drive that rocket in the particular direction. Knowingly or unknowingly, you love disturbing earthly attachment distractions like temporary fun and other stuffs than your real goal.

 Ask yourself, if you truly want to be successful than you truly have to work for it. You really have to push your limits and other dragging stuffs which are not letting you go towards your dreams. If it’s easy everybody would have done it and there won’t be any value of what you call success today, so practice hard try hard and get unattainable things because you are able to do so. If you really understand your potentiality and the external forces trying to hold you back and if you develop proper ability form utilization of available resources, trust yourself nobody can stop you from your true desired path and it’s destination.

So dream BIG, do BIG and get BIG. And enjoy the top destination, later on you can see what you are supposed to do from there clearly. 

Forcing against the limit is just one of the self improvement ideas. To know about more personality development advice visit develop your personality.

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