Sunday, May 1, 2016

How Meditation Helps in Personal Development:

Meditation whose original meaning is originated from ‘Dhyana’ that means concentrate. So we can understand that we often use meditation in our real life when we have to do something seriously. Simply, the meditation is nothing but doing everything with focus as much as we really can do with the complete dedication.  Though this term is simple implementation is very difficult otherwise we would have achieved everything and there would be no any limit in this existence. So there are various practices have been introduced as meditation to achieve somehow what is it really meant to be. Such techniques haven’t been introduced by human though some of the modifications have been done. It is believed that meditation has been originated from Himalayan before the existence of human life.

Let’s not only talk about background and start discusses about the facts how meditation can help to develop personality and everything at all.There may be various ways of doing meditation, here I am going to discuss about only two techniques. One of them is quieting mind meditation and another is Kundalini awakening meditation. Quieting mind is about giving rest to our body, mind and soul by thinking nothing without moving in the meditative position like lotus position.

In the quieting mind meditation, firstly we sit in the comfortable position without moving. And our body can take rest then we try to avoid all thoughts coming into our mind by letting those thoughts go. It’s difficult to quiet the mind in the beginning but after the regular practice it will be effective. This is how we don’t only provide complete rest to our body and mind but also we will able to figure out so many things those were like impossible to think with the previous state. You will understand what I mean after you are able to possess that new state of mind. Try it once for the few weeks and feel the differences in your life.

Another meditation is about Kundalini awakening. Where the various energy vertices of our psychic body is visualized and calm them to give proper rest to energize at the time of requirement. It is believed that to generate any type of energy in human body, 7 energy vertices; also called 7 chakras play role. So in this meditation we remove all negativities, which can disturb peak of our performance from all vertices and then heal all of these chakras by fulfilling it’s peaceful requirement. To heal every chakra, we can use music of different vibration or also can give different affirmations associated with respective chakras. 

By healing all chakras, we can generate our energy for whatever it needs. Then everything can be one in the better manner hence it can contribute in personal development goal.

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